Hi there, Mamas! In case you didn’t know, February is National Heart Month. This is a good time, as we prepare for warmer weather and begin to come out of our indulgent, holiday-fueled coma, to consider our heart’s condition – both physical and emotional. It’s also a good time to check in with our self-improvement goals from the New Year…
So, what better way to get your heart in shape than running (or walking)? No matter where you live, there are surely tons of races between March and November.
In fact, St. Louis has a pretty spiffy race coming up in March – the Taste of Achievement 6K and 1 Mile Fun Run. Held in celebration of National Nutrition Month, it’s hosted by the St. Louis Chapter of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Some perks of attending this particular race (aside from possibly spotting me trudging along) include: post-race snack, recipes, wellness vendors, and a 50/50 drawing. Plus, a chance to rub elbows with some of STL’s RDNs and fitness pros.
What about the Kids?
No excuses for this one: Kids (in or out of strollers) are welcome, as well as pets, so no need to call a sitter. There are definitely perks to bringing the kiddos. Not only will you wear them out (hello, naptime!) and begin to instill healthy habits, but there will be face painting and KIDS 10 and UNDER ARE FREE!! Quadruple win!
Have a giving heart? There will also be a canned food drive to benefit Operation Food Search.
Newbie Runner?
No worries! This race is open to those of all fitness levels. The point isn’t about going fast – it’s about continually moving forward (a favorite slogan of mine from when I was a Running Buddy and assistant coach with Girls on the Run), taking steps to build a healthy lifestyle, and, of course, getting a Taste of Achievement.
If you’re interested in training, I love the Couch-to-5K app. (Just a note: the app offers an 8 week training plan and this race is less than 8 weeks away, but it should give you a good start, nonetheless. Of course, always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.)