Hey there, Mamas! We all know how much I LOVE to talk about meal planning and prepping! Plus, I love tweaking my methods to find the best way to feed my family of four most efficiently. And, I also love
Low-Mercury Tuna + Lent Recipe Ideas

Disclaimer: I was sent free samples of Safe Catch Tuna. I was not compensated for this article. As always, all opinions are my own. Fish and seafood are a great nutrient-dense staple in a healthy diet. They provide protein, iron,
Heart Healthy Proteins & Lent Recipe

Hey there, Mamas! February is American Heart Month, which we talked about last year (specifically, fat and fiber). Since Lent this year falls a good majority in February, it seems a good time to add to our talk on heart
Basic Vinaigrette Recipe
Hi there, Mamas!  As I have been working out of the house more often these past few months, I’ve been needing to pack a lunch.  It’s so cliche for a dietitian, but salads are one of my go-to to-go lunches.  I
Pumpkin Spice Oat Bars
Hi there, Mamas! Â So, like I promised last week, here it is! Â The perfect complement to your other pumpkin spice fall treats – but without the added fat, sugar, or salt. Â It’s kind of like a miracle. Pumpkin Spice Oat
Orange Cranberry Pumpkin Cookies
Hi there, Mamas! Â With all of the pumpkin-spice foods rolling out this time of year, I was inspired to add a little fall flare to one of my daughter’s favorite breakfast recipes. Â {But, really I just wanted some pumpkin cookies.}
Barley Bites {Easily Freezable for a Baby on the Go}
Hi there, Mamas! Â Here’s another #RecipeWednesday post for ya! Â This yummy recipe was adapted from this one, but I’ve updated it to mine (and L’s) liking. Â I think a few little tweaks made all the difference! We have made variations
Sweet Potato Ribbons Alfredo

Disclosure: Â I was given free samples of Mann’s Culinary Cuts Sweet Potato Ribbons and Butternut Squash Zig Zags. Â I was not additionally compensated for my time. Â All opinions are my own. Hey there, Mamas! Â Ready for another #RecipeWednesday post? Â This
Gluten-Free Breakfast Cookies
Happy Wednesday, Mamas! Here is this week’s #RecipeWednesday post. (Find last week’s recipe here.) Before I became a Mama, I did not realize how picky I would be about what my daughter eats. As she progressed through solids and was
Super Easy Sweet Potato and Ginger Ravioli
Hi there, Mamas! As promised, here is the toddler-approved recipe for sweet potato and ginger ravioli and my first-ever #RecipeWednesday post. Please note that this recipe is adapted from a recipe originally found here. I felt (amazingly) like I had